OSRT Virtual CE Opportunity
EARN 4 CEs in 4 hours for $40
Saturday, October 10 - 9AM to 1PM
Sign in by 8:50am
to check your audio and hear the welcoming remarks
*Registration is required by October 3rd*
Topics & speaker info can be found here.
These courses are approved by the ASRT as Category A
& approved by OBMI for LXMO CE.
Presentations have been approved for CQR by ARRT. This only applies for technologists who have completed their SSA and been prescribed education according to ARRT's recommendations. More information is available from event volunteers if needed.
Course expectations and requirements
Please consider joining us as we launch into this new reality.
Being able to offer virtual CE has been a dream of the OSRT Board for several years, so we are happy to share it now with all R.T.s.